Iliolumbar pain syndrome

Iliolumbar syndrome involves an inflammation, sprain, tearing or other disorders of iliolumbar ligament that expands from lowest lumbar vertebra to the crest of pelvis bone called ilium. Injury generally occurs at the attachment of ligament to the ilium, which is accessible to the therapist's fingers. Due to instability in the affected lumbar vertebrae, 4th vertebra can slip and 5th can move, and this can lead to disc herniation and make the initial iliolumbar ligament injury worsened.
Although direct trauma can affect the illiolumbar ligament, syndrome is usually related to sports activities such as golf, tennis, skiing, football and volleyball, where the muscles and the tendons are strained beyond limits through repetitive bending or twisting of the lower lumbar spine.

Symptoms include lower back and upper buttock pain, pain presence when bending forwards or to the side, muscle spasm on the same side, tenderness and a reduced range of motion. Pain can be present on the one or both sides and may radiate towards back of the thighs, hips, groin and genital areas. Some individuals are complaining of pain after prolonged sitting or standing.

An iliolumbar ligament sprain does not produce any long-term effects, as long as it properly diagnosed and appropriately treated. It is very important not to ignore the pain, cause this may lead to worsening of the injury and prolongation of recovery that usually takes place in a number of days to weeks. Goals of rehabilitation are pain relief, restoration of movement in the injured areas and prevention of recurrence. Rehabilitation includes lumbar extension with a goal to strengthen lower back and abdominal muscle that support lumbar spine and stretching exercises for buttox, groin muscles and hips to enhance flexibility in the hips.


Use a good body positioning during sitting and everyday activities. When lifting a heavy object ask for help or put your body in a position directly in front of the lift. Bend your knees during lifting so your legs, not your back, carry the weight. When carrying, stuff should be leaning on your body.

Maintain a regular physical fitness. If you are in a sitting position most of the day, take frequent breaks every 20 minutes to stand up and stretch. I you are shoveling keep your back straight while lifting and avoid twisting the spine. Step in the direction that you are moving instead of bending the back. When gardening keep one foot on the ground while kneeling.


Iliolumbar pain syndrome