Hamstring muscle group strengthening program

Hamstring is group of three muscles (m. semimembranosus, m. semitendinosus and m. bicepsfemoris) that run from the top of tibia (back of theknee) up along the back side of thigh and turn into one common tendon that is attached on the sit bone.
The hamstring muscles are responsible for bending the knee and straightening the hip during activity and are particularly active during running, jumping, kicking and rapid changing of speed and running directions.
Trpimir Vrdoljak, MD, orthopaedic surgery consultant
Rehabilitation program author

Trpimir Vrdoljak, Md., orthopaedic surgery consultant at "Sv Duh" Clinical hospital in Zagreb.
Go to profile- Program short URL: https://www.videoreha.com/11484
30 days
Program duration is 30 days. If you start today on 08.02.2025., the completion of the rehabilitation program will be on 10.03.2025.
US $40.00
Total price is US $40.00 or US $1.33 per program day